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Showing posts from February, 2016

Eureka! Intel N 7260 Issue Appears To Be Solved

For a while now I've been having annoying trouble with my wireless adapter (Intel N 7260 - yes, I know it is known to cause trouble...). Not only did it not connect properly, it broke the wifi and the internet connection of the router in a way that no other device in the network could access the internet any more. I might just have discovered another possible cause: And guess what, Windows took me there. I know, right? So, this is what I did (I am on Win 10 right now): - It did not connect properly, as usual (for me this only happens when at home, where I am using a Speedport W 504V router) - so I ran Windows "troubleshooting" (right-click on the wifi icon in the task bar to get there) - It told me that there was an issue with a network protocol missing on my machine (which is rather ridiculous) - BUT at the bottom of the window it offered me a link to detailed information about the issue, which took me to a quite detailed troubleshooting report - This report lists...